Spence Avenue repairs on schedule
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on September 15, 2010 1:46 PM

Alberto Castanada of Hine Sitework works on the new drainage pipe that will run under Spence Avenue. The road, which has been closed since March, is being repaired after the original 84-inch corrugated steel pipe, which ran under the road, failed, undermining the pavement. City engineer Marty Anderson said the project, which is costing the city approximately $159,000, is running ahead of schedule and should be completed by the end of the month. The steel pipe is being replaced by an aluminum one, in line with those that the state Department of Transportation uses. He added that once the new pipe is in place, the road's repaved and everything signed off on by the city's inspectors, Spence Avenue will be opened back up to traffic.