Students' artwork to be displayed at mall this week
By Staff Reports
Published in News on March 15, 2010 1:46 PM

Kendell Mayo, 6, right, of Goldsboro, points out her favorite artwork to her mother, Sonya, on the Rosewood Middle School artwork board in Berkeley Mall on Saturday. Art teachers from county schools have set up displays of student work in the mall. They will be on display all week.
Over the next three weeks, projects from hundreds of students across Wayne County Public Schools will be exhibited at Berkeley Mall. They will showcase student work in the areas of visual arts, second language/English as a second language, math and science.
This week, the center corridor of the mall has been converted into an art gallery to showcase work from hundreds of the district's top art students. The annual WCPS Art Exhibition will display more than 1,100 exhibits, submitted by students from grades K-12 in a multitude of art forms.
The week of March 21-27, Spanish, French and "English as a Second Language" students will have their chance to showcase art, crafts, and creative writings at the WCPS Second Language/ESL Exhibit.
"During the Visual Arts Exhibit, visitors will have the opportunity to view art work produced by the most promising and creative art students in the district," said Hope Meyerhoeffer, the school system's director of visual arts. "The student work in the Second Language/ESL Exhibit showcases the creativity of our second-language and ESL students from across the county and allows visitors a better understanding of the many cultures and backgrounds our students come from."
Math/Science Education Week will feature projects from students in those areas the week of March 28-April 3.