08/23/16 — Restroom ruling: Transgender restroom directive temporarily blocked by judge

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Restroom ruling: Transgender restroom directive temporarily blocked by judge

As the opening of the school year draws near, the fight over whether transgender students should be able to use the restroom of their choice instead of their anatomical gender seems to be coming to a head.

The federal government told U.S. public schools in May that transgender students must be allowed to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their chosen gender identity. That announcement came days after the Justice Department sued North Carolina over a state law that requires people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate. Republicans have argued such laws are common sense privacy safeguards.

On Monday, a federal judge in Texas blocked the Obama administration's directive. Also on Monday, the presidents of seven Christian colleges in South Carolina asked the governor there to protect their schools from the mandate on restroom use by transgender students. They asked Republican Nikki Haley to protect their religious freedom.

We agree with those institutions who believe the federal government has overstepped its authority in this matter. As we have said before, we believe common sense should prevail.

Published in Editorials on August 23, 2016 11:53 AM