12/01/15 — Defiance: Climate conferees answer terrorism with resolve

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Defiance: Climate conferees answer terrorism with resolve

The largest gathering of world leaders in history is being held in France to address global warming.

But given the events of recent weeks the conference also has another aim: to let terrorists know that they face a united front determined to stop them from destroying civilization as we know it.

More than 150 leaders from around the globe are standing together this week and next in an effort to reduce the pollution that has led to global warming.

It is a noble goal.

But what may be more important is the stance that they take against terrorism.

The fact that the global emissions conference is taking place near Paris, the site of terrorism's latest big attack, is noteworthy. What better place to send a message to those who would impose their will upon the nations of the world, especially those in the Western Hemisphere.

President Obama has called the gathering of nations "an act of defiance" against the terrorists. And so it is. By showing a united front, terrorists can see that they face an uphill battle against a unified world ready to stop them and their agenda of violence against innocent victims.

The conference isn't likely to halt terrorism. Those who practice it are driven by deep convictions. But it could show them what they are up against when the nations of the world are truly united in a cause.

Published in Editorials on December 1, 2015 12:25 PM