08/17/15 — Bus watch: School is just around corner. Time to slow down.

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Bus watch: School is just around corner. Time to slow down.

If you travel Berkeley Boulevard, you have seen them -- drivers with no conception that the speed at which they are traveling is more appropriate for a speedway.

And, you might even have seen the red light challenges that really are "races."

And while Berkeley is one of the prime areas for speeders, there are others, too -- some in residential neighborhoods.

In one week, the summer will be officially over for thousands of Wayne County children and many of them will be on the streets -- waiting for buses or walking home. And they will not always be paying attention to oncoming traffic.

That is why we should -- and why we should call in reports of anyone who is speeding or driving recklessly through a school zone.

And the same is true for those who disobey laws involving school buses.

It only takes a minute for a tragedy.

Take a few extra minutes in the morning.

It is worth it to make sure everyone gets where they are going safely.

Published in Editorials on August 17, 2015 10:47 AM