08/10/15 — In the game: All the talk aside, more people need to listen

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In the game: All the talk aside, more people need to listen

There is a lot of buzz about the Republican presidential debates.

And there is also a little undercurrent as well about the looming battle between presumptive Democratic presidential candidate nominee Hillary Clinton and challenger Bernie Sanders.

And while the constant flow of pundit analysis -- as well as the latest updates on what Donald Trump said this week or Clinton's elusive emails -- might get a little tiresome, the bottom line is, this information is important.

Choosing the next leader of this nation is a critical vote. And it is important that more people pay attention.

We are certain you have had the discussion with someone who knows nothing about not only the race for president, but how it affects them.

They might even say they do not have the time to pay attention to the debates, the speeches, or the campaigns.

So we need to make it our mission -- to get them interested before they vote.

One of the most important rights we have as Americans is the opportunity to choose our leaders. And while an easy run to the fall ballot might be simpler, it is not better.

Hold these candidates accountable. Pay attention to the answers. That is how you get the best leaders -- and a better country.

Published in Editorials on August 10, 2015 10:55 AM