06/29/15 — Safety first: Bottom line: Moped laws will likely keep people safe

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Safety first: Bottom line: Moped laws will likely keep people safe

There are reasons for laws.

Sometimes it is to protect a person from himself, and sometimes it is to protect society from a person.

Bottom line is, while the idea of a license for mopeds might seem like a waste of time and paper, there is a need to keep track of who is riding and what they do while they are riding.

A vehicle is a vehicle. And even though mopeds do not move at the same speed as cars, they still can cause accidents and injuries.

If operated improperly, or by someone who should not be on one in the first place, they could also cause accidents that could hurt others.

And that is why there should be requirements for those who decide to ride one on city streets and state roadways.

The checkups are simple -- knowledge on how to operate a moped as well as a review of the rules.

A license will also keep moped riders honest -- in case of a wreck or other problem.

It might mean more state paperwork, but this is a good idea -- for safety's sake.

Published in Editorials on June 29, 2015 11:08 AM