02/18/15 — Check up: Neighborhood watches are not just for crime

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Check up: Neighborhood watches are not just for crime

The ice might seem like it is melting, but the effects of the cold are still lingering around Wayne County.

So while we wait for the winter winds to subside, let's add a new item to the storm checklist: Making sure our neighbors are doing OK.

The threat of black ice can be especially scary to those who are elderly or who face other challenges with their health.

They might not be able to leave the house, and because of that limitation, might not be able to get help if they need it.

A trip to the grocery store, a warmed up and de-iced car or even a short friendly visit might be just what they need to feel safe and able to weather the storm.

We join forces for many things in this county.

Why not make taking care of each other one of them?

Published in Editorials on February 18, 2015 10:58 AM