10/20/14 — Mark the date: If you are already registered, you can have your say Nov. 4

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Mark the date: If you are already registered, you can have your say Nov. 4

 One of the most interesting facts about the argument over registration and voting is that even though they are registered, many Americans do not even bother to vote.

The reasons are legion -- they are too busy, they forget it is Election Day, they are not interested in politics.

But no matter what the excuse, the result is the same: If you do not vote, then your voice really is not heard.

There are important issues to be decided in the next few years. And many of them will influence not only you, but your children and grandchildren as well.

So, if you are registered to vote, don't sit home -- no matter what it takes to get to the polls.

That "X" that you mark on that ballot is your chance to make a statement about how you want your country run now and in the future.

It is your chance to stand up and be counted.

So while we debate about those who are still not registered, we should also talk about those who are still staying home.

We can't afford to have either.

Published in Editorials on October 20, 2014 1:22 PM