02/11/14 — Better safe: When it comes to snow, it is best to err on the side of safety

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Better safe: When it comes to snow, it is best to err on the side of safety

Part of the fun when there is an announcement of bad weather approaching is watching when local officials decide to cancel classes, events or to close offices.

In fact, when they are wrong, and the day is sunny and bright with no real threat -- that is the topic of much mirth among those who do not have to make the decision.

And that is the key right there -- it is easy to critique if you don't have to make the decision.

Until local officials get crystal balls that offer weather predictions that are 100 percent accurate, there is no way of knowing when is exactly the right time to cancel schools, to close offices, etc.

And if you followed the mess in Atlanta, you can see what happens when you wait too long to make a decision.

Safety should be the first watchword for any weather reaction. It is better to be safe than sorry.

And when it comes to school districts, there is more to consider than simply getting the children to school. They also have to get home.

So we will continue to armchair quarterback those who are charged with deciding when to pull the trigger when it comes to winter weather.

But we should be certain that the criteria always remain safety first -- even if it adds a couple more days onto the school year.

Those caught in the Atlanta mess would gladly have made that trade.

Published in Editorials on February 11, 2014 10:39 AM