01/08/14 — Weather watch: Worries this week should remind us of importance of farmers

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Weather watch: Worries this week should remind us of importance of farmers

There were more than a few people in Wayne County -- and across the country -- who were watching the temperatures with a wary eye.

For farmers, the dropping mercury was a danger sign -- and many were worried they might lose their crops.

And that is something many of us do not stop to think about -- just how important agriculture is to this community, state and country.

A bad turn of the weather and the crops are gone. The same is true for those whose livelihood includes chickens, turkeys and hogs, or any other form of livestock. It doesn't take much for the year to be a loss.

Being a farmer is tough. You have to bet on the weather, against disease and bad luck, and do everything you can to make conditions optimal to have a successful harvest.

And it is not an easy life.

What we sometimes forget is that if no one took that chance, we would feel the pinch.

Our fortunes really are connected to the farming community -- especially here.

This might be a good week to thank a farmer.

Published in Editorials on January 8, 2014 10:49 AM