08/24/13 — This one's for the kids ... A few thoughts about going back to school ... and the future

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This one's for the kids ... A few thoughts about going back to school ... and the future

Back to school.

It can be lots of fun, but a little scary, too.

We have been there, too. (Eons ago when dinosaurs walked the Earth.)

But there are some truths you should know as you head back to the books and some messages we want you to carry with you.

The first is: Yes, you can.

You can do math, write a great paper or read a book you never thought you could master.  And yes you can learn science or figure out a complicated problem.

Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you cannot set a goal, do the work and achieve it.

There are plenty of people out in the world right now who were told that they "couldn't" who absolutely did.

Be one of them.

The second is: Ask for help.

We have all been there.

There is an assignment you just don't understand or no matter how hard you try, you just can't get algebra or figure out what Shakespeare really meant.

There are plenty of people in every school who can give you that extra help or can help you find someone who can.

There is no shame in admitting you need a little help. It is really an act of courage and the sign of true potential.

(Don't tell anyone, but we STILL have to ask for help sometimes, too, and so do your teachers and even the principal.)

The third is: Listen only to those who have your best interests at heart and

follow your heart.

There will be plenty of people out there who will try to steer you off your path.

They will sound cool. They will sound smart. They will tell you that you should do what they say to "fit it."

They are wrong, and they are dangerous.

You know right from wrong. You know what paths you should and should not take.

You know the damage a mistake like drugs, alcohol or cutting school can do to your life, your future.

Don't fall for the hype. You know better.

Listen to your gut, follow your heart and ignore those who want to keep you from achieving your dreams.

Don't ever let anyone steal your possibilities and your good name.

It is a long road to get them back.

The fourth is: Do your best. Stay in school -- and graduate.

It isn't always easy. School can be tough.

But the end result -- a diploma -- is worth all the long hours of homework, the stressful days and the hard work.

You limit your future when you make the choice to give up on school -- and it will take years to overcome the setback once you are grown.

Ask just about anyone who did not finish school -- especially an adult in a GED program -- and he or she will tell you that dropping out was one of the worst mistakes of their lives.

There is help if you are struggling.

There are people who can guide you if you feel a little lost.

There are programs that allow you to capitalize on your strengths if perhaps some of the more traditional school paths aren't for you.

But it is up to you to choose.

The fifth is: You can talk to any adult -- your parents, a teacher, a minister, a family friend, a counselor, a coach.

If you are in school and someone makes you feel bad, calls you names or tries to hurt you in any way, go see an adult. We do care and we will be there for you. We promise.

Bullies were around when we were in school, and we were scared, too. We did not want anyone to call us a tattle tale or to think that we could not handle ourselves.

And people made us feel bad about ourselves sometimes, too. We worried about fitting in and all the other stresses that come with being a kid or a teenager.

But what we learned is that there are people who can help -- but you have to tell them what is going on.

You can trust us to listen and to do the right thing.

And, finally: Yes, school can be a pain. But it is the quickest and best route to a future that is full of promise and possibilities.

Don't waste the chance.

Have a great school year.

Published in Editorials on August 24, 2013 10:37 PM