07/20/12 — Self-help: Garden plan a model for how to teach people to fish

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Self-help: Garden plan a model for how to teach people to fish

No one could possibly sustain themselves completely on a backyard garden. There are other needs that would have to be supplemented.

But hearing that residents of one of the community's housing projects would be trying to provide some of their own food through a gardening project is a sign that perhaps someone, somewhere gets it.

The problem with entitlement programs is that they make otherwise capable residents dependent and helpless -- and that serves no one.

If you offer recipients the chance to help themselves, and demand that they do, you give them confidence, pride and the chance to make their own way.

And that is always going to be better than simply handing them the fish.

The garden won't feed the families completely, but it will give them the gift of doing for themselves. And that is invaluable.

Published in Editorials on July 20, 2012 11:12 AM