03/19/12 — Another round: Try to stay focused. We know it is hard.

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Another round: Try to stay focused. We know it is hard.

Just in case you might have forgotten, there is another primary tomorrow.

This one is in Illinois. And it has been dubbed the latest make it or break it contest for the Republican front-runner Mitt Romney.

We know that you have better things to do than sit by the television and wait anxiously for returns -- especially you North Carolina State University fans. You have earned the right to ignore the world and to focus on basketball for a few more days.

But for the rest of us, it will be a struggle, to analyze results from yet another primary while trying to figure out if this is really the one that will end it all.

Don't worry. It won't. The trick will be making sure we remember that as we wait for our turn to mark our ballots.

So enjoy the week and watch with a skeptical eye as the pundits try to draw yet another conclusion.

Remember, experts can be wrong. Just take a close look at who remains on your March Madness bracket sheet.

Published in Editorials on March 19, 2012 10:40 AM