01/02/12 — Iowa watch: It might be fun to watch the battle, but Iowa is not bellwether

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Iowa watch: It might be fun to watch the battle, but Iowa is not bellwether

A big deal is going to be made about the Iowa caucuses.

And while it is the first -- manipulated to be so, of course -- the Iowa vote is nothing more than a fun little look into the very early stages of the campaign.

So, it is important to remember, that so goes Iowa does not necessarily mean that the rest will follow.

Although it worked for current President Barack Obama -- and he will try to capitalize on the attention this year, too -- the reality is, most times the winner in Iowa does not end up with the prize in the end.

And there is a reason for that. There are a whole bunch of states -- including several swing states -- that have not had their says yet.

So don't draw too much of a conclusion about what you hear Tuesday -- and don't abandon a candidate simply because Iowa said you should.

There are a lot more voices to be heard -- and a few more chances to make sure the right person receives the nod for the Republican nomination this year.

Iowa gives us a chance to be introduced to the men and woman who want to run this country. It gives a chance to test their mettle and to see just what they stand for. But this is a marathon, not a sprint.

And the only really good thing about Iowa this year is that perhaps some of those running will get bashing one another out of their system and will get back to talking about the issues.

That would make it all worthwhile.

Published in Editorials on January 2, 2012 11:03 AM