09/07/11 — Planning ahead: Schools need work, but preplanning is a really good idea

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Planning ahead: Schools need work, but preplanning is a really good idea

Let's face it: No one wants to spend any money right now, let alone millions of dollars to build schools.

So, in light of that concern, it is not surprising that the county commissioners and the school board would be pushing a plan that gets the job done -- temporarily -- for millions of dollars less than it would have cost to build new schools.

But commissioners Jack Best and Andy Anderson have a point -- and it is one worth considering as the county moves on to the next plans for the next school construction concerns.

Wayne County is going to have to build new schools in the future -- no question about it. And if the growth patterns continue, they are going to have to be in areas where the infrastructure simply is not designed the handle the projected growth.

So why not create a comprehensive plan to replace a school every few years, and to talk seriously about whether Wayne County is going to embrace the neighborhood school model or if there are some consolidations in its future?

The Eastern Wayne and Norwayne work had to be done -- even though there are some legitimate questions about whether there were better plans to accomplish the same objective.

In this uncertain climate, it is no wonder the school board wanted this one nailed down tight.

But making a plan for the future is just smart -- as is deciding what priorities will be set for the county school construction goals now, before another emergency arises.

Published in Editorials on September 7, 2011 11:06 AM