01/14/11 — Understanding: The fight in the Middle East is not just about avenging 9/11

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Understanding: The fight in the Middle East is not just about avenging 9/11

Although they might disagree on how to carry out the mission and how much money to spend, Americans should understand one thing about the conflict that has consumed us in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last few years.

The ultimate goal is stability -- which would be a victory.

But understanding the causes, demons and the reasons why this fight was not over in a second takes more than just keeping up on the news.

Over the next couple of weeks, Wayne County residents will have the opportunity not only to read a story about one man's determination to bring education to the young women of Afghanistan, but also to hear from some of the experts what it will take to keep the peace there.

The Wayne County Reads events planned for January and early February are not just about "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson, but about the complicated world that is Afghanistan.

With more than a dozen events that range from lectures to a photo exhibit of the work of Seymour Johnson AFB and other military personnel from in country, the series offers residents a chance to see the country and its people from multiple angles -- and perhaps to learn a little about them in the process.

This weekend, a hometown hero will return to Wayne County -- Ambassador Karl Eikenberry will talk about the military mission, its goals and its future. Don't miss your chance to hear from someone who has been there.

And, of course, make sure you read the book.

Published in Editorials on January 14, 2011 10:41 AM