11/04/10 — Sign cleanup: OK, the election is over, so clean up the mess ... or else

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Sign cleanup: OK, the election is over, so clean up the mess ... or else

It has been a long, hard-fought battle, but now, the election is over and it is time to get back to the real world.

But for many Wayne County residents, that is going to be difficult -- they will be reminded of the election because there will still be candidate signs around for months.

We know that because there are still signs around -- specifically along highways -- from the 2008 presidential election.

It is understandable that weary candidates -- and even wearier volunteers -- would to forget about those signs that they so zealously guarded all campaign long.

But it is the city and county's jobs to make sure they don't -- and to give them a time limit to get their signs cleaned up.

And the candidates should want to do so, anyway, especially if they truly care about their community.

Elections are emotionally charged events. They take a lot out of everyone. The best way to move forward and to start a new year off right is to make sure the remnants of that battle have been put away.

So, this week, candidates, please, assemble your volunteers one more time and pick up your signs, sooner rather than later.

Some of you have already had crews out on the prowl looking for signs to remove -- and that early effort is certainly appreciated.

Others might need a little prompting.

County and city leaders should be prepared to take some sort of action if candidates ignore their responsibility to clean up after themselves.

It is the right thing to do, after all.

Published in Editorials on November 4, 2010 11:06 AM