05/19/10 — Say thank you: Barbecue benefit is a chance to acknowledge one of the good guys

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Say thank you: Barbecue benefit is a chance to acknowledge one of the good guys

In a world where it seems like no one does anything anymore unless there is some kind of benefit for them, Don Worley of Don's Florist is a star.

There are many people who have been affected by his good works -- and who have benefited from his small kindnesses.

But you would never know just how much he has given to so many in this community from talking to him.

That is not why he hands out carnations to women at his store or why he offers a helping hand when an airman's car won't start.

He is one of those rare people who gives simply because he is grateful himself -- and expects nothing in return from it.

So now, all those who have been helped, or who know of the good work he does, will have a chance to acknowledge it and to help him through a battle of his own.

This Saturday, come by and get a plate of barbecue at Don's Florist Shop. The money will be used to help him in his fight against leukemia.

And, as usual, instead of merely accepting the thanks, Don will be there ready to greet others -- a bucket of carnations by his side.

This is your chance to make sure one of Wayne County's nice guys really does finish first -- and knows just exactly how much he is appreciated right now, when it matters most.

Published in Editorials on May 19, 2010 10:41 AM