10/14/08 — Tired of listening? Share your questions for commissioners, school board

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Tired of listening? Share your questions for commissioners, school board

The best part of Election Day is that the voters get to tell politicians what they think of them.

The worst part is that before the vote actually occurs, there are plenty of speeches, forums, automated phone calls and other annoyances.

And in most cases, the questions you really want answered never see the light of day.

Well, here's your chance.

Now that election is just a couple weeks away, and you have had a chance to listen to the candidates ad nauseam, we want you to send us your questions for them. Try to keep them short and to the point, but explore any issue you really want to know more about before you make your choice.

E-mail your question to news@newsargus.com or drop it off at the newspaper office on Berkeley Boulevard.

We will compile the best of the best and ask your commission and/or school board candidates to respond.

No fair loading the ballot box with partisan attacks. We aren't interested in that. But if you want to know how the school board candidates feel about the no zero policy or if the commissioners are planning on increasing taxes, ask away.

If you have questions for other candidates, like the judges or those who want to represent you in the statehouse, send them along. If there is time, we will ask them, too.

You have until Monday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m. to get your questions to us. Include your name and a phone number, but that is only for verification purposes. Your name will not appear with the question or be communicated to the candidate.

And if you are also tired of listening to pundits tell you how you should feel about the presidential election, stay tuned.

During the next week, we are going to start asking Wayne County residents to start a dialogue of their own. We want to know why you are choosing a particular candidate and why you think other Wayne County voters should join you.

We will also have a poll of our very own, right here. And it has kind of unique spin, so the results will be very interesting.

As always, we will continue to provide you with information about those who want to represent you -- and will allow you to have your say about issues that matter to you. Keep watching the newspaper for more previews and interviews.

This, however, is your chance to cut through the politics and to get right to the heart of what matters to you -- and to the future of your county.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of the questioning process.

Published in Editorials on October 14, 2008 12:46 PM