12/24/07 — The real meaning - Slow down today. There’s more to tomorrow than gifts.

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The real meaning - Slow down today. There’s more to tomorrow than gifts.

“Away in a manger, no crib for a bed.” ...

Most of us remember the classic carol that tells a portion of the Christmas story — the humble birth of Jesus on that clear, cold night so long ago.

But when we sing, sometimes we don’t remember that that story is what we should be focused on — that and our faith, family and friends.

And that will be especially hard today, with the hustle and bustle that is Christmas Eve.

Relatives will be arriving. There will be meals to cook and presents to gather. We will have to get the last-minute touches in place for guests, and ready ourselves for a couple of days of close quarters with lots of relatives.

And while that extra work will be stressful, we should take the time to count those visitors and those gatherings as blessings.

There are plenty of families who will be without their loved ones this year. They would give anything to listen to another boring story or to argue over something silly.

As we gather today and tomorrow, we should remember just how lucky we are to still have each other.

Aside from the celebration of faith, Christmas is a time to celebrate family and friendships — and to give to those who cannot care for themselves. It is also a time to honor those who have touched our lives and to share with them the joys of the holiday season.

So, take a deep breath, look around the room and smile — this is the good stuff.

Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us.

— The News-Argus family and their families

Published in Editorials on December 24, 2007 11:15 AM