10/09/06 — Another success: Wayne County’s fair crew deserves pat on the back

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Another success: Wayne County’s fair crew deserves pat on the back

As Wayne County residents made their way around the Wayne Regional Agricultural Fair this past week, they might not have realized just how much work went into making sure fun was had by all.

Fair manager Milton Ingram, his staff and a bunch of volunteers should be commended for not only making sure there was plenty to do — but that there was a safe and clean environment for county families as well.

Work on the fair starts months before the gates open, and there are many, many people who sit down to make the plans, do the repairs on the grounds and work out the schedules and contracts.

And those same people are the ones you saw behind the scenes at the various events and patrolling the grounds, making sure the fair stayed on schedule and visitors were able to enjoy themselves.

There will be a lot of cleanup work to do at the site now that the livestock and exhibitors have pulled out of their temporary fairgrounds home. And then there are the plans for next year’s event, which start almost as soon as the previous year’s fair is over.

But after all that cleanup work is done, the volunteers and staff, as well as the many organizations who helped make the fair a success, deserve blue ribbons of their own and a long rest.

The Wayne Regional Agricultural Fair lived up to its billing again. It really is North Carolina’s best county fair.

Published in Editorials on October 9, 2006 11:28 AM