02/24/06 — A little kindness: Just a thought

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A little kindness: Just a thought

There will be plenty of time for talk of school budgets, fund balances, animal shelters, the Paramount, traffic problems and all the other stress and strife that are occupying the minds of Wayne County residents these days.

But, for now, how about thinking about a little girl, a 92-year-old lady and an extra minute to listen to a song, and the extra thought to sing one.

Logan Merritt and Mildred Jenkins are just two people who met by chance and decided to care about one another. Their ages didn’t matter. Their circumstances didn’t factor in either. And, they are not related.

Their story is an example of how a simple act, a few minutes in time, can change lives.

There will be plenty of wind on this page — ours and others’ — over the next few weeks. So, maybe, today, we might have time to think a little bit about how to care about one another — even when there is no expressed benefit for ourselves.

Logan and Mrs. Jenkins can teach us all a bit about that.

Published in Editorials on February 24, 2006 10:28 AM