05/21/05 — Valedictorians, salutatorians augur well for future

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Valedictorians, salutatorians augur well for future

No generation ever thinks the next one coming along has anywhere near the expertise or talent to offer that the previous ones did. That’s just the way it goes.

And although we promise ourselves while we are listening to others critique us that we will not fall into that trap when we get older, it is surprising how most of us find ourselves saying “I don’t know what is wrong with kids these days.”

But in today’s edition of The Goldsboro News-Argus, there is a group of young people who will leave no doubt in skeptics’ minds that they are ready, willing and able to make a difference in their hometown and, maybe someday, their country.
And they are only just about to get out of high school.

Wayne County’s list of valedictorians and salutatorians is more than just a ranking of some of the area’s top academic stars. Most of these young people have done much more than simply get good grades.

They are active and involved in their schools and communities. They are big parts of their churches and their youth groups. They are involved in all sorts of outside activities and have distinguished themselves there as well.

In a word, they are leaders. And, they are just a few examples of why some of us who are getting a little older might not need to worry so much about the future.

These students have worked hard to earn the accolades they will receive during this upcoming graduation week. They will celebrate achieving a milestone they will remember forever.

And, we can be sure these young people will continue to be a source of pride for this community as they continue their studies and then choose careers of their own.

You never know, there might even be a president among them.

Congratulations to all of them.

Published in Editorials on May 21, 2005 11:25 PM