04/07/04 — Spring: Big changes in a little time

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Spring: Big changes in a little time

Have you ever seen such an abrupt change in the way the outdoors looks and feels?

Only a few weeks ago, it seems, hard winter was still upon us with all of its accoutrements — ice, frost, cold that stung the ears. And now, though there is still a bit of bite in the breeze, it is spring for sure.

Rain seems to leave the air fresh rather than cold.

The white-blossom dogwoods are in that temporary pink stage just before the blooms fill out. Fremont has had its Daffodil Festival — an early sign of spring — and azaleas are beginning to show their colors.

Turtles in creeks and ponds climb out onto logs and stumps in the water to find perches in the sun. You feel that you’d like to do the same.

Bluebirds are building their nests, and finches are passing through our area.

Leaves are showing on hardwood trees. There is color and beauty just about everywhere.

In just days it will be Easter, a time to celebrate all this renewal and the promise of resurrection to come.

Published in Editorials on April 7, 2004 12:49 PM